
A man who works for a company or for Government dies, people come forward to offer many benefits. The family member may get a huge amount of money, pension, provident fund, immediate job to any one of the family member. In the same way if a missionary works for a mission, his family also may get same type of benefit right after his death. If a missionary who is working in a jungle or in a remote village by the guidance of God and without any help from any mission dies, his family member will not get any benefit as mentioned before. His family members will have to face a lot of trouble of both in financially and in socially. No one dare to come closure to console them, encourage the fatherless children. Also it is some what pathetic and pitiable situation are in the missionary family.

Now we have to find a way to consider the missionary who works in a jungle not depending on any one else except God. Our founder found this problem and started to pray to God. Also he has discussed with many other church leaders to consider this type of missionary family at the time his death. He was unable to find a proper solution to this type of missionary who works in jungle without any appreciation and approval by people. At this time the Lord gave a vision to our founder Rev. Karuthiah Selvaraj to mobilize this type of missionaries to come closure to make a strategy and knit together to strive for the betterness of the missionaries who are working by all alone in the jungle for God. This group is named as KING DAVIDS FELLOWSHIP. Any independent missionary who works for God and proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and tries to plant the church that Our God instructed to do so can join in this club through our district coordinators. On the recommendation of the coordinator we accept them and start to give full protection with the help of our prayer partners and well wishers in the Lord. We will work with the cooperation with our district coordinators to take any decision.

Important Schemes:

There are two important welfare programs of our Fellowship opens to any missionary to join. Those who join in the Gilead Scheme can avail health benefits only. Each member missionary whether he belonged to the same mission or another should contributes Rs.10/- every month sacrificially through their coordinator to bless a fellow missionary in need of assistance and to support fellow workers in time of their need. Gilead scheme is nothing but an opportunity made available for every member missionary to give Rs.10/- per month. This becomes a sizable amount that is used to help fellow missionary in distress due to major illness or major accidents. The scheme will be a great blessing to more missionaries who are enrolled in the Gilead scheme.

Diakno Scheme allows each member missionary makes a contribution Rs.25/- only at the time of a death of fellow missionary. Most of us are enjoying good health. However, for reasons known to God alone there is some of our colleague who receives early home call’. Some suffer because of major illness. Why not we serve one another and share the burden of our beloved ones who are bearing heavy crosses through such God given programs. Though a small amount, it becomes large enough to bring cheer in the lives of our partners in the great task. We feel it is a privilege to be alive, enjoy good health and be of blessing to other colleagues in dire need. The collective sum of Money and the share of our Fellowship (a part) to make Rs. 25,000/- to be given to the fellow missionary or pastors who register their name with our Fellwoship. The registration Fee is Rs. 150/- and the yearly contribution is Rs.50/- only (once in a year) Then the Fellowship gives this Rs.. 25,000/- to the nominee of deceased missionary through the coordinator. Continued prayer support is ensured.

The duty of the club members:

  • He should be a faithful missionary in preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • He should have a group of people to worship the Lord on every Sunday
  • He should have good example to his church and show good missionary characters
  • He should show progress in his ministry
  • In the time of other fellows missionary passed away, has to contribute Rs.25/- only and yearly Rs.50/- This is applicable to those who belong to diakno scheme. Those who join in the Gilead scheme should pay only Rs.10/- per month.

Benefits available:

  • Seminars and conferences will be arranged to uplift spiritual life style(general)
  • Medical check up will be done with subsidized rate for the member of Gilead scheme
  • Assistance to member missionary in the time of major illness or accident Gilead scheme
  • An assistance of Rs. 25,000/- will be given to the nominee of our member missionary (Diakno scheme only)
  • Gifts may be given to the children missionary in the time of festival if funds available ( general)
  • Identity Card will be given with their registration number if they want
  • In order to encourage their believers general competition form the Bible will be conducted and the winners will be awarded with valuable prizes.


Further more we expect you suggestions regarding this at any time. This is a simple attempt made to take care of the missionary family in the time of need. Our organization is properly registered as per the rules and regulation of our Governments and audited by a charted Accountant. The yearly reports are sent to the Federal Government through Income Tax Office Also we are working on to provide regular pension scheme to all missionaries after their retirement from the fields. We need people of God to suggestion and support this type of need in India. For more detail please feel free to contact our office.

The Coordinator,
1/483-2, Church Town, New Housing 2,
S. India
Mobile : +91-9443355464